As we wrap-up our third full year of operation as CanopyBloomington, we wanted to reflect on what we have collectively accomplished in 2024. And, of course, 'we' is the operative word when considering these accomplishments. Our work would not be possible without many of you reading this blog post—thank you!
Yes, 2024 was another big year for Canopy as we continue to fulfill our mission to engage the Bloomington community in planting and caring for our urban forest together, in order to build a resilient and equitably green city for all.
This year also marks the first year of CanopyBloomington's 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. As you read through these shared accomplishments, we hope that you, too, will feel fulfilled by the good work and strategic growth this year.
This summer, we launched our third year of the Youth Tree Tenders (YTT) program. Through hands-on experience and expert guidance, the YTT program fosters a deeper appreciation for nature, promotes environmental stewardship, and instills a sense of responsibility in the students towards their community's urban green spaces. This year, the program ran in two groups (in June and July) to service over 200 trees in Switchyard Park, Lower Cascades Park, and RCA Park. This maintenance resulted in beneficial impacts on the entire community's well-being, the environment, and the planet as a whole.
Equally important, seven students from local high schools were professionally trained in pruning and tree care by Bluestone Tree’s certified arborist, Simon Normile, educated on key principles of Urban Forestry and the value of community collaboration. These Youth Tree Tenders took an active role in preserving their green spaces and became part of an informed community who understands the economic, health, and ecological benefits of trees!
Additionally, this year, Canopy led several other single-event education and outreach initiatives to deepen its relationship to the City of Bloomington neighborhoods and share its information and educational resources. These included ‘tabling’ at community events, presenting at a Bloomington City Council meeting, going door-to-door in planting neighborhoods and translating Canopy materials into Spanish-language versions to increase accessibility.
As of the end of 2024, CanopyBloomington is now responsible for 300 new trees in Bloomington neighborhoods! Under the leadership of Executive Director Ava Hartman, Canopy hosted seven different planting events over the spring and fall seasons, collectively getting 95 young trees into the ground, mulched, caged and prepped for successful watering and care. These plantings engaged the neighborhoods of Broadview and Osage Place, as well as students from Templeton Elementary, Bloomington High School South, Clear Creek Middle School and Community Transitions.
Each of these 95 trees was planted by volunteers–from the neighborhoods or schools involved or other friends of Canopy. In many cases, these were the first trees ever planted by these volunteers, giving them a unique experience and something to reflect on for years to come.
With hundreds of Canopy-planted trees now in the ground, annual tree check-ups become increasingly challenging. However, we recognize the critical need to monitor and care for our trees, especially in their early, post-planting years. EVERY tree we plant is photographed and entered into a database which you can view here. This year, Canopy conducted tree health check-ups on 161 trees planted before fall 2023. These check-ups allowed us to talk with residents and community members who received trees and document their condition. We are proud to announce that Canopy’s survivability rate is 94%. This is a huge accomplishment that is only possible through the care and passion of each tree recipient. One of our goals in 2025 is to identify and train tree stewards in each community to help lead our localized tree care efforts in all project areas we have planted in.
This year, Canopy board member, Julie Roberts, was appointed by Mayor Kerry Thomson to the City of Bloomington Tree Commission. The Commission is responsible for advising the City Landscaper and Urban Forester on best practices in urban forestry; assisting in the development of urban forestry policies and procedures; promoting public education on tree care; and promoting the acquisition of and distribution of additional trees on public property and right-of-ways.
As an organization, Canopy has continued to mature in 2024 in several areas. Starting with our hard-working volunteer board’s commitment to transparent, data-driven and strategic decision-making, Canopy’s 2024-2029 strategic plan was launched, providing the path and priorities to fulfilling our creative and inspirational initiatives over the next five years. Progress on the plan is reviewed at every board meeting.
This year, we also received our most substantial grant award to date-- $239,399 from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) through the Inflation Reduction Act. This IDNR grant is funding tree maintenance programs in areas where Canopy plants, helping to address equity issues through tree cover and survival, education initiatives and community engagement. Canopy also received $50,000 in funding from the City of Bloomington for a City-Canopy collaborative Cool Corridor Initiative. This past summer, the City of Bloomington conducted a heat mapping project that generated a map of the hottest areas of the city. This funding will go towards planting and maintaining trees near sidewalks in these high-priority, heat-identified areas.
Additionally, the IDNR grant has allowed Canopy to transition from a single, part-time staff to hiring two staff members–a full-time executive director and a part-time community engagement specialist. We look forward to continuing our work on a deeper and larger scale.
Canopy is thankful for the ongoing support from our partners and other community entities. They include the City of Bloomington (Commission on Sustainability and Parks and Recreation), Indiana University, Monroe County Community School Corporation, Sycamore Land Trust, Monroe County Identify and Reduce Invasive Species, Habitat for Humanity, and more!
We are equally grateful to many Bloomington organizations and businesses who have generously supported Canopy financially and by donating their time and in-kind professional services.
We are very proud of the work we are collectively doing. And yes, if we haven’t said it enough, ‘collectively’ includes YOU! Though we are still young, we continue to grow in all the right directions—increasing our impact in Bloomington neighborhoods, our base of people who are eager to support Canopy’s mission, the awareness of our organization in the community, our financial support and infrastructure, and the sheer number of people whose lives we touch.
Thank you for being part of all of this! Onward to 2025, a year of possibilities!
To learn about 2025 spring plantings or become a volunteer, visit us here!
Cover Image: Children from Templeton Elementary School at an October tree planting in partnership with Sycamore Land Trust.